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Evan Brooks
Evan Brooks
World Designer - Zapper Games
Raleigh, United States


I am Evan Brooks, a professional video game designer with a specialization in level design and level art.

​An initial interest in game and level design was sparked when I began creating my own levels for the original Age of Empires. I spent countless hours building sprawling battlefields and designing intricate scenarios to bring them to life. This fledgling interest endured and expanded into other games which featured progressively more powerful level editors including Star Craft, Time Splitters, Far Cry, and Unreal Tournament.

​Over time, I began to compliment my hands-on exploration with increasingly directed study in level design and level art. These efforts evolved into a wide variety of work across several individual and community projects which allowed me the opportunity to continuously learn and grow alongside more experienced designers.

​Eventually, I found myself as passionate about making games as I was about playing them. Now, as my hobby has grown into a career, I strive to create virtual worlds as immersive and captivating to myself and others as those I experienced years ago!


Environment DesignEnvironment ModelingLightingGame DesignLevel Design

Software proficiency

Substance 3D Designer
Substance 3D Designer
Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine


  • World Design at Zapper Games
    Raleigh, United States of America
    October 2021 - Present

    Currently working on an unannounced project.

    Company Website:

  • Game Designer II at Funcom
    Durham, United States of America
    January 2021 - October 2021

    Contributed to Dune, Conan, and an unannounced project.

    ▪ Designed and implemented level content including 50+ open world points of interest, 5+ competitive combat arenas, and 10+ cooperative roleplaying dungeons utilizing Unreal Engine 4 and Blender.

    ▪ Designed and implemented game features including 5+ weapons, 10+ weapon modifications, character camera states, and controller user experience utilizing Unreal Engine 4.

    ▪ Collaborated with cross-functional teams while owning design features from conception to implementation across projects inclusive of a cooperative shooter, competitive shooter, and survival sandbox.

    ▪ Assisted environment artists with level set dressing and lighting tasks while validating successive iterations preserved integrity of gameplay and level design alongside alignment with visual targets.

    ▪ Prototyped and defined comprehensive metrics for 3+ modular asset kits across projects through iterative analysis of game feel inclusive of character functionality, engagement ranges, and user experience.

  • Level Designer at Funcom
    Durham, United States of America
    October 2019 - January 2021

  • Associate Level Designer at Funcom
    Durham, United States of America
    September 2018 - October 2019

  • Founder and Designer at Molotov Industries
    Raleigh, United States of America
    April 2015 - December 2018

    Molotov Industries is my independent development company focused on the incubation of experimental video games and other interactive software.

    The projects I undertake are self directed and I am responsible for all aspects of their development inclusive of art, code, design, and production.

    Achievements and Experience:

    • Designed and developed Android game Color Riot utilizing Unity Engine with C# Language and released for free on Google Play Store.

    • Recruited, organized, and managed a group of 12+ volunteers to develop multiple iterations of prototype game Lanterns’ Watch.

    • Designed and implemented artistic specification to create a strong and cohesive stylistic identity for prototype game Lanterns' Watch.

    • Practiced level design and environment art pipeline inclusive of blockout, 2D and 3D asset creation, set dressing, lighting, post-process, and optimization for prototype game Lanterns' Watch.

    • Authored and maintained comprehensive game design documentation to ensure technical specificity for all core gameplay systems and mechanics.

  • Level Designer at Trek Industries
    Remote, United States of America
    December 2014 - April 2015

    During my time with Trek Industries, I was the sole level designer and was primarily responsible for the design and development of new co-operative multi-player levels.

    Achievements and Experience:

    • Coordinated with lead designer and environment artists to successfully overhaul 5 existing cooperative multi-player levels for improved design, aesthetic, and performance

    • Practiced multiple elements of level design pipeline inclusive of overall design, set dressing, lighting, post-process, optimization, and AI pathing

    Company Website:

  • Level Designer at Totem Arts
    Remote, United States of America
    November 2013 - November 2014

    During my time with Totem Arts, I was part of the Level Design team and was primarily responsible for the design and development of new competitive multi-player levels.

    Achievements and Experience:

    • Collaborated with game designers to create 5 new competitive multi-player levels which either

    carefully aligned with existing content, or experimented with new methods of play

    • Practiced multiple elements of level design pipeline inclusive of general design, grey boxing, set

    dressing, lighting, post-process, and optimization

    Company Website: